In July it was forced to end picketing at some grape fields near Delano.
In Carbon County, where mines closed or worked half shift, families moved to California hoping to find work with countrymen in grape fields and canneries.
There are also many grape fields, and grape picking is a popular tourist activity.
Today's Dielheim is known as a wine-growing region with 77 hectares of surrounding grape fields.
It's the bent spine of an 80-year-old farm worker on the edge of a dusty grape field in Delano, Calif.
Local opposition has also questioned placing a "strip mall" next to Adelaide's extensive grape fields.
It all ends up at the small, historic Stornetta family dairy that sits amid the grape fields in the Carneros region of Sonoma County.
TopographyVillage is surrounded by valleys and hills, gardens, orchards, and vineyards (grape fields).
Eventually they loaded pickups, cars and even horse-drawn wagons with what they could carry and set off for the grape fields of California.
Soil conditions, which did not permit easy cultivation, did allow the growth of grape fields in the lower parts of the parish and intermediary orchards.