Sound, movement and graphics all in one package could make for an interesting new hobby or extremely effective presentations.
The graphics are extremely good and make this game well worth ordering.
Other people said that the new graphics made them feel queasy, as if they were going to throw up.
The sooner 16-bit computer and console owners realise cracking graphics don't make a game great, the better off they'll be.
On that day, revised graphics, music, and newsplex also made their debut.
The format will also use graphics to make the reading of print on screen more entertaining.
New finishes, lighting, graphics and an art program will make the station attractive visually.
But all those graphics consume computer resources and may make the machine seem sluggish.
GameSpy felt that the graphics, though simple, made the game "a pleasure to explore".
For one thing, large monitors and good graphics make computer sequencers easy to use.