Special one-shot was designed to introduce Chaykin's next major work, a graphic novel series called Time2.
The books have been adapted into a movie and television series, a video game series, and a graphic novel series.
An example from popular culture can be found in the graphic novel series The Sandman.
Metzen announced in early 2005 that he was working on graphic novel series independent of Blizzard Entertainment.
Amongst other things, he is known for his graphic novel series, 2001 Nights.
The story is based on Tony Watt's graphic novel series.
It is the home of Hunter Rose, from the graphic novel series Grendel.
It is based on Miller's graphic novel series of the same name.
It is based on the popular graphic novel series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Recent projects include a self-published photo graphic novel series, Nocturne (2010-2011).