The graphical style of the game has also been toned down, retaining the anime look.
The animation is very smooth for all characters, another departure from the graphical style of the second game.
Over the following months, several minor media releases were made, revealing new information regarding the game's developmental direction and graphical style.
A certain graphical style leads as stylistic central theme through the entire film.
By E3 2007, the game's look had changed again, with major changes to the graphical style.
The graphical style is for the most part distinctly Western, while set in a fantasy universe.
Each world has a distinct graphical style and music, but the basic gameplay remains the same.
Panayi's later game, Cyclone featured a similar graphical style of play.
The game developed and evolved over time to a more realistic graphical style.
While not a massive commercial success, the game has been well received for its graphical style, humor and deep gameplay.