Good grass hay and pasture is usually what donkeys enjoy to eat.
House rabbits are usually fed grass hay, ideally Timothy hay.
It is considered part of the standard mix for grass hay and provides quality nutrition for horses.
Many commercial rabbit raisers also feed grass hay, although this can represent a hygiene issue in rabbitries.
For the rest of the year, when the heaviest snowfalls, the animals are fed only with grass hay without any kind of supplement.
If grass hay is not available, legume hay is an acceptable alternative.
Mules need less protein than horses and do best on grass hay with a vitamin and mineral supplement.
Young rabbits are often free fed a pellets and grass hay.
She knew how he hated using any of the scant supply of grass hay they'd been able to lay by for the winter.
They should also have unlimited grass hay, and at least one cup of a variety of veggies.