Native grasses thrive in many parts of the monument despite competition from western junipers, medusahead rye, Dalmatian toadflax, cheatgrass, and other invasive species.
Sometimes the grasses thrive so well, the clump expands beyond its allotted space.
Many professionals recommend inserting plants in certain sections: otherwise, weeds and grasses thrive, and seedlings need several seasons to take hold and grow.
These grasses all thrive in the Mediterranean climate that dominates much of the San Joaquin Valley.
Some ground covers also grow where no grass can thrive.
Additionally, steppe lemmings need grass and other leafy greens, such as alfalfa, to thrive.
Animals did not do as well in the artificial light as Flattery would have liked, but his flowers, trees and grasses thrived.
The Hardier the Better Q. Can you suggest a hardy (Zone 6) ground cover for the area around two huge evergreens where grass cannot thrive?
In northern exposures or under the shelter of a large shade tree, many flowers and grass just won't thrive.
And the grass thrived and grew in a marvellous way.