It regularly reports on environmentalism, feminism, grassroots democracy, minority and the Mass media.
This "popular decentralization" has led to a series of experiments in grassroots democracy.
The green libertarian philosophy supports constitutional limited government, or "grassroots democracy" in every way.
The party is committed to grassroots democracy, social justice, non-violence and ecological wisdom.
Green Parties in Europe have programs based on ecology, grassroots democracy, nonviolence, and social justice.
A fundamental principle is grassroots democracy, which gives the possibility to each member to help shape the future of the party.
In this way, the Solidarity Federation is an attempt at a working grassroots democracy.
It regularly reports on environmental issues, feminism, grassroots democracy, minority communities, progressive ideals and the media.
In spite of a series of reforms, grassroots democracy has not seriously taken root.
We should focus on grassroots democracy in those countries, building it from the bottom up.