It really led to a grassroots initiative where people in the industry were kind of vying for this status.
NikeGO launches, a grassroots initiative to increase physical activity among youths aged 9-15.
Adam Andrzejewski also started a grassroots initiative to enable local counties and school boards to post their check register online.
These nations concentrated on the ability of the society to operate social media and begin organizing a grassroots initiative for a globalized form of democracy.
The concept relies on grassroots initiatives of private individuals, and non-governmental organisations.
They are not government-sponsored projects, but grassroots initiatives.
It is a vehicle for supporting, and where possible, funding the grassroots initiatives organized by women and girls in response to unmet needs.
The laws cannot work all by themselves and grassroots initiative and enterprises will die unless we foster the appropriate economic environment.
Now, truly grassroots initiatives stand a change of succeeding, even if they do not follow the spirit of European federalism.
It is a very positive grassroots initiative.