The organization has a large grassroots network with 135 chapters and over 550 lawyers.
It advocates democratic control of the economy via grassroots networks of representative workplace and community councils.
Create a grassroots network as a catalyst for public policy changes.
This is accomplished through a grassroots network of advertisers, agencies, media companies, local advertising clubs and college chapters.
On December 26, 1969, a grassroots network of volunteer artists, students and peace activists began circulating it worldwide.
He's got a very strong grassroots network of fighters.
The educational organization works to develop a grassroots network of women volunteers who have been adversely affected by prostate cancer.
The Freeze's grassroots network pushed for nuclear reductions through ballot initiatives in towns and cities across the nation.
Transition Towns a grassroots network of communities that are working to build resilience in response to peak oil, climate destruction, and economic instability.
Willkie's supporters established a national grassroots network, but his support was thin.