As the two men crossed the grassy rise, the beating of helicopter blades became audible to the west.
The summit is a small grassy rise directly at the head of The Tongue.
Marla looked to see Khan standing on an grassy rise overlooking the river.
Finding none, he lifted Tom gently and carried him to a grassy rise.
The Ethiopian got slowly to his feet as the three other security officers ran across the grassy rise toward them.
He looked around helplessly, then crouched as he continued up the grassy rise.
The voices grew louder and more distinct and at last seemed to come from directly behind the grassy rise.
Then, over a grassy rise, Lake Michigan came into view.
I saw him at last, not far away, sitting beside Elliania on a grassy rise near some young apple trees.
As Fessran had said, the stream lay slightly above the hollow, separated only by the grassy rise of its bank.