Two minutes passed before a rusted barrier grated open.
An unseen door grated open and someone else inquired coldly, "What's going on out there?"
Gilhaelith went up the broad steps and pushed at the left-most of the four bronze doors; it grated open.
The big Tradesman grinned, mopping a forearm across his brow; then the door grated open.
A section of stone wall grated open and rumbled aside.
The car jerked to a stop and the door grated open.
Above her on the landing, a stone door grated open, fracturing the shadows with sunlight.
The elevator grated open on the third floor.
At any moment she might hear the stone covering the portal begin to grate open, and then it would be too late... for anything.
Something clinked against the door; it grated open, letting in a flood of yellow torchlight.