However, they (except for Wanda) soon see this as an opportunity to capitalize on the rewards received by grateful citizens.
Commenting on how hard the mayor and his staff were working, Mr. Peterson said they should all be rewarded by grateful citizens like himself.
Mr. Genscher, now often affectionately described by grateful citizens as "Genschman," has not always been so popular.
The grateful citizens abandoned their ancestral paganism and converted to Christianity.
In 1902, grateful citizens erected a monument in the town park.
Oh, sure, some did-a good cop here and there, a grateful citizen now and again.
Meetings were held and he was awarded medals from grateful citizens.
The grateful citizens then abandon their ancestral paganism and convert to Christianity.
Cases of rum from the grateful citizens of Le Precheur.
Although the grateful citizens offered to rename their town "Kimball", at his suggestion, they agreed to name it Roanoke after the river.