"If the High Council authorized gratuitous criminal acts, they should get barbecued."
An enjoyment of the gratuitous act.
'And now, with no apology for what is a gratuitous act of anthropomorphization, I want you to meet Miss Scarlett.'
The enjoyment of the gratuitous act.
Whether meant as a Gidean "gratuitous act" or a means of survival, the shooting certainly complicates our attitude toward Michel.
I would call it hospitality, but that sounds like a gratuitous act, but it was so genuine.
An entirely gratuitous act.
Clem, the most dangerous of the group, is soon overcome by the impulse to commit a gratuitous act of violence.
"The Pa'haquel are sure to see it as a gratuitous, hostile act."
Level's stories, with their gratuitous acts and mindless brutality, may be seen as precursors of "thriller" fiction and "slasher" films.