BBC journalists still feel free to add gratuitous comments and opinions.
In an otherwise fine story on air pollution, why do we have to be treated to a gratuitous comment about earthquakes?
The best thing about the concert was simply being there, program in hand, with no emcee to distract me from the singing with gratuitous comments.
There is a great deal of gratuitous comment about these new field rations and very little of it is complimentary.
Grace, the narrator, opens her door to an angel called Stephen, who immediately starts making gratuitous comments about her fertility.
Otherwise your comment would be nothing more than just a gratuitous comment without any substance.
Many students added gratuitous vicious comments about homosexuals; that was not the case with other groups.
It was a gratuitous, divisive and untrue comment.
Toby smiled; he thought the comment gratuitous but accepted the mindset that the psychological warfare of litigation required.
But Mr. Ferguson makes a couple of gratuitous comments.