In recent years various grave allegations have remained unchallenged, on the grounds - according to his spokesman - that his accusers were not worth suing.
No hard evidence is offered to support this grave allegation.
But some of the gravest allegations of polluting mining practices have come from its operations in developing nations, from Indonesia to Peru to Turkey.
Kissinger does not say that there is no evidence for this grave allegation.
The spreading scandal has produced grave allegations against several of the country's past and present leaders, but investigations have been limited.
Because he was seen as abandoning early nominees like Lani Guinier in the face of mere controversy, the President has sometimes stuck with others in the face of graver allegations.
This is a grave allegation.
A 'Grave Allegation' Mr. Dowling said his statement regarding the $:3 million ($4.8 million) payment amounted to a "grave allegation."
Baseball had never before undertaken such a process because there had not been such grave allegations since the time of Landis.
Raising grave allegations about certain people.