Dworkin rejected the interpretation that "All heterosexual intercourse is rape" as a grave misunderstanding of her work.
There has been a grave misunderstanding.
This, however, is a grave misunderstanding of Donaldson's position.
Tell him that there have been some grave misunderstandings of late between his troops and my own.
The facts seem cut and dried, but I am afraid there has been a grave misunderstanding.
In its statement, the Vatican said the rabbi's visit served once again to underscore the "overcoming of historic, even grave, misunderstandings."
Clearly, Hume thought that there were grave misunderstandings at the time as to what counts as virtue versus vice.
The sauce is another source of grave misunderstanding.
Discussing economic and social issues separately amounts to a grave misunderstanding.
A grave misunderstanding led to the ambassador's coach being attacked and fired upon by papal troops (from Corsica).