In Roman times, nothing more than grave monuments and godstones were set up there.
Also unearthed at the site were pieces of Roman grave monuments, which might themselves have been used later to build the castle.
The relief was supposedly once part of a grave monument.
A grave monument had been planned during her lifetime, however, it was not completed.
There was also a clientele for grave monuments and portrait busts.
Ultimately, a later version of the sculpture became Gauguin's grave monument.
Though the windows have been lost, the various grave monuments by prominent Leiden sculptors can still be seen.
Obelisks-which were popular grave monuments during the late 19th-century-are also found throughout the cemetery.
His widow commissioned a grave monument, which shows a couple kneeling before a prie-dieu.
His grave monument, which he had erected for his wife and child, does not have his name on it.