Clearly, that point is reached if the conditions in the old person's household are a danger to others or cause grave offence.
This was a grave offence, and he was lucky to escape with a month's leave from court in disgrace.
With unshaken calm he said: "So far as is known to me, the man had done me no grave offence."
It was evidently a far graver offence to mount the pavement than to run into the taxi.
Howth emerged as a leader of the opposition, and gave grave offence to the Queen as a result.
For them rape is a 'unique and grave offence.'
The Recorder noted that the incident took place "under the shadow of a graver offence.
I think if you decline, Alfonso may take grave offence.
It is a grave offence to marry a girl without first having obtained the consent of her nearest male relative.
Ministers can experience difficulty when they find themselves in a situation where refusing the baptism is their only option and parents can take grave offence.