Altogether the graves yielded several thousands of pieces of fine jewelry, usually made from combinations of gold, turquoise and lapis-lazuli.
This grave yielded a slightly damaged food vessel and broken human bones.
Located 108 km (67 miles) northwest of Wuhan, the grave yielded treasure enough to furnish several museums.
Mass graves in northern Iraq, exposed when the Iraqis abandoned the area after the Persian Gulf war, regularly yielded more than a thousand victims.
The grave the monster had occupied yielded a great number of gnawed bones, and some fresh bloodstains which seemed to interest Master Li.
One grave yielded two gold beads and a pottery vessel that the looters had overlooked.
He said there was no guarantee the 127-year-old grave would yield any evidence.
The graves yield well-made daggers of flint and bone, placed at the arm or head of the deceased, one in the grave of a small boy.
The grave also yielded the shreds of Mr. Remeharian's note on looseleaf paper.
The graves also yielded decorated silver belts, sabretaches furnished with metal plates, pear-shaped stirrups and other metal works.