Whenever the officers of the battalion gathered socially, Ellerbee noticed that for the most part the male officers gravitated together while the female officers did likewise.
Like minds will always gravitate together.
And the person around whom these people were falling into orbit as they gravitated together was Churchill.
The first episode of Carlos y Carlos continued without a glitch, as they gravitated toward each other during their initial session together in Mets uniforms.
The two sheriffs, Nettleton and Weston, gravitated together in the Thunderbird briefing room.
Children and the elderly seemed to gravitate together; postadolescents separated out, but rarely formed pairs.
The aides gravitated together.
Fortunately the two airlocks, once within a certain distance of each other, automatically gravitated together, sealed, and opened.
Caudell and his messmates-Sergeants Powell, High, Daniel, and Eure-naturally gravitated together.
We sort of gravitated together.