The articles on gravitational time dilation and gravitational red shift give a more detailed discussion.
The analysis of the gravitational red shift led to the relation (eqn 2.2).
Here then is confirmation of the gravitational red shift in a system 5 kpc from Earth.
No more than the usual instability we've gotten from Tlaoli's gravitational shifts.
If it's natural, then it couldn't be connected with the gravitational shifts or it would show aftereffects.
The "right" relative speed of the atoms is therefore a measure of the gravitational shift.
Again the ship smashed into a gravitational shift, sending the room sideways.
We've got bending light and gravitational red shift.
By the way, the slowing down of time in a gravitational field provides an alternate rationale for gravitational red shift.
It turns out, see, that to get that big a gravitational shift, you'd have to be near a black hole.