A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping.
Reduced gravity prevented him from flopping face-first to the floor, but La Forge still felt himself beginning a slow fall toward the deck plating.
So gravity is causing this to heat up or is preventing the escape of the heat.
But the gravity well from the green star, and the shallower but still significant wells created by the darmats, prevented that.
Black hole- A region of space-time where gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping.
Reduced gravity will prevent us being dashed against the Arctic ice.
Diplo's gravity prevented any of the soaring leaps of classical ballet but quick flips were possible and used to great effect.
The gravity of planets will prevent lightsails from shuttling to their surfaces, and will also handicap industry on a planet's surface.
It is impossible to see it because the gravity prevents any light escaping.
The inner part of the disc was close enough to Earth that the planet's gravity prevented it from coalescing.