The masked man took a bit of gray fluff from Shane's pocket and dropped it in one of the creases.
The gray fluff adhering to the edge of the rug had hidden the telltale flare of the emerald.
It's not a question of your brains, or the grey fluff that passes for brains with you.
The difficulty there is in making you use that grey fluff of yours!
He had a good head of hair, thick and white, and a triangle of grey fluff on his chest.
Curled up on one of her pillows a gray fluff of kitten yawned, showing its pink tongue, tucked its head under again, and went back to sleep.
He felt thick dust, a coating that clung to his fingers like gray, powdery fluff.
His face in sleep was stern, almost frowning; but his left hand lay relaxed on the dirt, beside a small thistle that still bore its ragged cloak of gray fluff and its tiny defense of spikes and spines.
Their padded envelopes release balls of nonbiodegradable gray fluff that work their way into everything.
Presently nothing remained but a gray fluff so light that it drifted away on a cool air from the sea.