It's like everything is wrapped in gray fuzz, I don't know where I am, what I'm doing, what to think.
Rhea's face kept digitizing, then shifting into a soft gray fuzz.
Li's head had composed itself into a smug expression-as smug as anyone could be while clumps of gray fuzz snacked on his cheeks.
His legs were speckled with gray fuzz; his belly asserted itself above the waistline in a sleek, ebony billow.
His head was covered by black and gray fuzz, none of it longer than a quarter inch.
Despite the extensive coverage of the transition, many viewers are not ready, which means they will soon be left with gray fuzz on their screens.
Hybron Prat of Alpha Cepheus rumpled the gray fuzz he called hair.
The gray fuzz on the edges of her perception might soon grow as black as charcoal.
Elvis felt as if he was floating in soft gray fuzz.
The meat was still kind of pink, with gray fuzz growing on it.