He sported a carefully trimmed gray goatee and tended to strut.
He is described as a neat, fussy-looking man with an oily voice and manner who sports a small grey goatee.
Hearing that, the Mongoose's gray goatee fluttered and his eyes closed.
His goatee, completely gray, is thick and long and the phone is almost lost in it.
But the thin grey goatee lent him an air of distinction, and cultivating that was very deliberate.
He stopped and chuckled as he tugged at his gray goatee.
Fisher pulled a hand slowly and firmly over his gray goatee.
The first was an elderly man-quite bald, with a thin, bony face and gray goatee.
Luu wore gold wire-rimmed glasses and had a long gray goatee.
A small, thin man with a gray wispy goatee entered, stopped, and looked at the technicians.