The floor was covered with green and gray linoleum in squares.
Blood pooled on the gray linoleum, as thick and dark as oil.
Allison lying on the gray linoleum, her blood spreading out in a pool.
Nothing, that is, except for a single drop of blood on the cracked gray linoleum floor.
My eyes followed the path of the flashlight beam on the maroon and gray linoleum.
On the floor, gray and pink linoleum and a French door painted white with lace curtains leading to the living room.
Brenda turned and, swinging her hips, walked back across the gray linoleum to her desk.
Dancers waiting to run into the dance stood on new forest-green carpeting rather than the usual gray linoleum.
Racial epithets were shouted at the black students as the two sides rumbled on the gray linoleum.
Along each side of the gray linoleum corridors runs a foot-wide blue stripe.