They have a dark grey mantle and a black tail.
It has a grayish upper breast, gray mantle, and black wingtips.
The fog lay like a gray mantle over the countryside as the young man drove her.
The grey mantle is 305 mm, and the scapulae are fringed brown, some tipped white.
His blood seeped below the gray mantle of death, drowned the tiny green shoots.
Then Gandalf revealed the strength that lay hid in him; even as the light of his power was hidden under his grey mantle.
Looking up, she could see the great billow of the sail against the gray mantle of the sky.
She pushed her gray mantle back from her shoulders, and I saw then that under her dark blue dress a baby was growing.
Ahead lay a gray mantle of undisturbed dust.
But in the middle of the night the Princess came herself, all huddled up in a misty grey mantle, and sat down near him.