Tears drip slowly onto the pillow, leaving spreading gray ovals.
The smooth gray oval of skin on his broad chest turned to a pale rose-pink, then swiftly became a dazzling kaleidoscope of shifting colors.
He ducked and made his way forward into the darkness that was only intensified by the dim gray ovals of the port-lights.
The brother tried to see who it was, but the face was a gray oval in the dim light of the castle.
That dull gray oval one, though-that's Mizlaplan!
After 10 minutes, he'd put his hands on a perfect pair of gray ovals.
When he tried, all he saw in his mind was a blurred grey oval.
The blue, gray or black ovals might be spiritual beings in cosmic space (Johnson).
Aerodynamics altered drastically, the grey oval began to glow soon after it reached the upper atmosphere.
The band had a shoulder patch that was placed on the right shoulder which was a red and gray oval.