He pointed at a huge gray concrete structure three or four stories high a hundred yards away, beside the river.
Glenn's eyes were focused far across the field where a giant gray structure nosed towards the sky.
They had emerged out of the ship into a vast, grey, hangar-like structure.
The one story gray structure is sixteen feet wide by fourteen feet deep.
Common sense indicated that the wide gray structure on the far side of the road some thousand meters away was probably the source.
To our left now, I could see a tall, gray structure which resembled a rotting warehouse.
The hulking gray structure, lighted from below, looked deeply foreboding.
They drove into a windswept, nearly empty parking lot before a low gray structure that looked like a railway car.
A gray, seventeen-story structure, the building housed the plant of an electronic newspaper.
Now there were only structures, gray and sharp-edged, their lower reaches stabbing down into the water.