But it was steel that didn't delay the gray-bearded man long.
The gray-bearded man knew well what the police only suspected.
His head still ached, but he looked at the gray-bearded man.
A gray-bearded man with grim eyes advanced into the light from the opened port.
"You say they'll help us because they're humans, too," the gray-bearded man put in.
Roy could picture himself as a gray-bearded man, trying to break into the business against such competition.
There was only one other body, that of a gray-bearded old man, in the morgue.
The small gray-bearded man peeked out, looked up and down the street, then opened the door wide.
It was a bald, gray-bearded man whom Kirk had never seen before.
The gray-bearded man at the table rose and extended his hand.