The world around them disappeared beneath sheets of gray-green water, so opaque they seemed lifted whole from the shoreline many miles to the south.
Once the plane gets out over the shiny gray-green water, the ride becomes smoother.
The river gave a deep, constant roar and its gray-green waters filled the opening like a painted screen.
Endless gray-green water, rising and falling beneath his flying armchair.
A hot wind whipped gray-green water into whitecaps that set the vessel rolling.
A strip of beach flashed past, then nothing lay below but gray-green water.
Sunlight burnished the surface of the gray-green water, making it seem dense and yet clear, like melted glass.
Below was the shoreline of a vast body of gray-green water.
They were flying over a great body of gray-green water bordered by verdant mountains.
After we had ridden for what felt like a very long time, an island appeared, floating in the middle of the gray-green water.