This was a bromeliad, with thick, grayish green leaves and a beautiful pink flower blooming in its center.
Autumn olive, originally from the Far East, is a small tree with grayish leaves, small pale yellow flowers, and light red fruits.
The plant's specific epithet, leucophylla, describes the light grayish leaves.
The woolly grayish leaves are one to two centimeters long and generally lance-shaped.
It grows approximately 18 to 24 inches tall, with oval, fleshy grayish blue-green leaves, mottled with white.
The pale green or grayish leaves are oval or lance-shaped and often toothed.
I asked, showing her some of the droopy plants with grayish brown leaves.
It is a perennial herb forming small, dense cushions of very hairy, oblong or lance-shaped grayish leaves each under centimeter long.
She was pounding some thick grayish leaves in a small mortar.
It forms a basal patch of woolly grayish leaves 1 to 4 centimeters long.