He coughed, then glanced to the east, but the horses grazed quietly, still all on the tieline.
He grazes quietly amidst the decor; when the time comes he will travel down again.
The horses drank thirstily and grazed quietly in the shade, even Jupiter being grateful for a chance to rest and cool off.
Below, in the clearing about the mound, the horses grazed quietly.
The horses and cattle grazed quietly in the long grass.
A herd of thags grazed quietly in the sunlight or dozed beneath the shadowy foliage of the trees.
On another part of the plantation a flock of sheep grazes quietly.
Sheep grazed quietly near a small herd of wild ponies.
Dov and Krus grazed quietly together in the field below the fountain.
Though the smoke had disturbed them at first, the animals in the fields here now grazed quietly.