The farmer looked back, took in the priest's garb and its state, tipped a greasy cap.
A toothless mechanic in a greasy cap and blackened workman's clothes directed him farther west.
From behind him, also bowing, peeped two officers and an older man with a big beard and a greasy peaked cap.
With a penny in his pocket for his trouble and the letter placed under his greasy cap for safekeeping, the lad runs off.
He removed collar and tie, roughed his hair, donned a greasy cap in place of the neat fedora he had been wearing.
When they saw me the one with the hammer touched his greasy cap.
And a greasy old cap such as Herbert now removed from his polished pate.
He took an old worn leather jacket from a hook, found a greasy cap in the corner, and pulled it down over his eyes.
He tipped a greasy cap he'd somehow kept on his head.