After all, they were practically a thousand times further off than the great astronomers have been able to approach by means of their giant telescopes.
He was a very studious man and a great astronomer.
Dowornobb was honored to meet the great astronomer whose published works in their field constituted the final authority.
Oxford colleagues are stunned, saying the university has lost "a great man and a great astronomer."
The further they dropped towards the rings the more certain it became that the theory of the great English astronomer was the correct one.
The great astronomer had just reached manhood at the time when Columbus discovered the new world.
The same great astronomer now, for the first time, rendered something like a rational account of the changes of the seasons.
Half the great astronomers living in the world today started with this as boys.
The Maya were great astronomers who had developed a profound understanding of our orbit.
Aryabhata was India's first satellite, named after the great Indian astronomer of the same name.