Some worried that his death could portend instability and greater bloodshed in India.
Vasavi had come to rescue of the people without giving room for great bloodshed.
This in turn would speed a resolution of the war, albeit with great bloodshed.
Then, he attacked during a night, defeating the enemy easily with great bloodshed.
"And although they both lost their lives, they helped stop what could have been far greater bloodshed."
You will return and there will be even greater bloodshed.
Q. If there came a time where your departure could spare great bloodshed, would you resign?
He believes there could be great bloodshed and the stakes are "frighteningly high".
The majority, as we well know from our history, has supported lies, injustice and great bloodshed.
We welcome and support negotiations, because it is the only way to avoid greater bloodshed.