I'd no confidence in myself or anybody else as we reached the main entrance under the cupola and the great chandelier.
Only one of the great chandeliers was lit, and that one at the far end, casting but a dim glow.
Unfortunate that he had not illuminated the great overhead chandelier, Sophie found herself thinking.
The great chandeliers had been lowered and cleaned and filled with hundreds of new candles.
In the huge lobby, under the great chandeliers and carved marble ceiling, he paused to catch his breath.
Boys raised the great chandeliers, snuffed the candles, turned down the lamps.
The hallway was dark, the candles in the great chandelier atop the stairs having long since died away.
But it was a near thing when the great chandelier began to fall.
At first, the performance goes well, but soon the Phantom's curse takes its effect, causing the great, crystal chandelier to fall down onto the audience.
Before her eyes a thousand candles shone In the great chandeliers.