"As we go toward greater connectivity, and as more information is stored on the networks, the risks go up proportionately."
The management of RapidKL has adopted the hub and spoke system to provide greater connectivity, and cut down the need of more buses.
Roughly, a greater preponderance of receptor sites at the synaptic junctions indicated greater connectivity and, in turn, greater intelligence.
The reason, said William Schulz, a spokesman, is that adding trains had created "greater connectivity and reach," with more customers riding the trains as the network grew.
It is on Delhi-Jaipur and Agra-Jaipur train route, which gives it great connectivity.
Nearly half of the funding appropriated in 2010 to support greater connectivity comes from the Recovery Act, which Congress passed in February 2009.
It is closely based on the Vulgate Mort but was written with greater connectivity to the previous sections.
In his talk, Mr. Ben-Horin emphasized the opportunities that new technologies bring for greater connectivity and resource sharing to facilitate social change.
While greater connectivity allows companies larger profits, and gives society better ways to combine diverse ideas, skills and resources, it also harbors dangers.
Square Enix producer George Wright stated they "were excited to make a game specifically for [the 3DS] that makes use of its great connectivity and social features."