That is, unlike the insight of the first rank, which can be easily disturbed, the second rank has greater constancy in the face of distractions.
When Jan asked a local soldier about such contradictions, because Krzysztof of Gorka certainly displayed great constancy, the Krakow man explained: 'You must excuse the duke.
Simpson was executed next, and, according to an eyewitness, "suffered with great constancy, though not with such (remarkable) signs of joy and alacrity as the other two".
(7) In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment?
Nay, there scarcely is any man, who can boast of great constancy and uniformity in this particular.
Simpson was next to die, and an eyewitness, quoted in Challoner, said that he "suffered with great constancy, though not with such (remarkable) signs of joy and alacrity as the other two."
But all the story of the night told over, And all their minds transfigur'd so together, More witnesseth than fancy's images, And grows to something of great constancy, But howsoever strange and admirable.
"We must all show great constancy," Caspian was saying.
That time, to which he has so long, and certainly with great constancy, looked forward, is now come.
It was his last terrace and a fitting culmination for an architect who combined flexibility with something of great constancy.