Where were you when the great convulsion came?
With the events of that day were linked, as cause and effect, many great political convulsions of Europe.
And then, unexpectedly, with no great convulsion, she was satisfied, and her satisfaction led slowly to his own, which seemed to come from far away.
As soon as he did, the man screeched and grabbed at his face, a great convulsion racking his frame.
The Sixties flowered and died in a single great convulsion.
He began to laugh then, weirdly, out of control, and the laughter became a great convulsion, and then a final scream.
Moreno had great convulsions as a consequence, and considered that in his state he could not have resisted more than the quarter of a gram.
There was the stillness which goes before some great convulsion of nature.
So it is with the great convulsion of Nature which was known as Byronism.
Then in one great convulsion it gave birth to an egg called the World.