Then they left to tell the palace staff that the great discoverer was dead.
Every great discoverer has been met with the same incredulity--the sure brand of a generation of fools.
-Frederik Pohl "John was the great discoverer, the knower, the teller and teacher.
Jensen is a great discoverer.
We were following the path taken in 1770 by that great English discoverer, Captain Cook.
Lena and Stafford will be great discoverers.
My master or the great discoverer, Amorphus.
In 1893 America was ready to see Columbus as the great discoverer, the man who laid the foundations for a nation of bold entrepreneurs.
Well, when the great discoverer was once loafn' around down in Virginia, and a-puttin' in his time flirting with Pocahontas--oh!
The second main exhibit area focuses on discoveries, including information on where and how dinosaur fossils were found and details about great discoverers.