The great drought of the 1930's was far worse than that of 1988.
Even if there was not a great drought, moisture may have been coming at the wrong times.
Even during the great drought of 1934 the lowest daily return was 9.1 million imperial gallons (41,000 m3).
There was a great drought on my world, and then after that, a long period of endless rains.
For the first time since the great drought of 1988, an American farm crisis might be in the making.
There is a great drought across the country and life continues to be difficult.
Some archaeologists even venture to say that a great drought occurred.
The great drought was due to a very long dry period.
September and October 1976 were both very wet months, bringing to an end the great drought of 1975-1976.
Remember all that talk last season about the "great American drought" in major championship golf?