You said yourself, I remember, no place like one of the great fairs for meeting someone you'd liefer not be seen meeting.
Paoul knew that dried herbs, some very rare and expensive, were sold at the great Valdoe fairs.
He had visited a great many fairs looking for just the right colors to create this special place.
In the air, in great fairs, thicker even than those that had swept across the Hold yesterday, the fire-lizards raced back and forth, blotting the sun at times.
However, associated with the festivals were great fairs attracting traders from afar to display their wares.
The great annual fairs are known by the name of "Mela", and are always connected with religious ideas and customs.
As the settlement grew, more merchants flocked to it, and great fairs were held quarterly.
He often visits the great fairs where he buys ribands and teazles and other such kickshaws.
They were temporary "homes" for the long distance drovers, moving their cattle to London, and the great fairs and markets of England.
Nonetheless, the great fairs remained of importance well into the 15th century, as illustrated by their role in exchanging money, regional commerce and in providing choice for individual consumers.