Sea-fighting was in the English blood, and the Spanish were sailing their great galleons up the coast from the Antilles, loaded with gold, some of them.
Four ships he had: three smaller craft and one great galleon.
- the wreck the great galleon, São João, captained by Manoel de Sousa Sepulveda, off the coast of Natal, South Africa in 1552.
The Portuguese ships (four great galleons and some twenty-six oared barks) arrived on the 28th, and anchored outside the roadstead placing the English vessels between themselves and the town.
The sky, one great galleon with a thousand black sails, signaled, signaled, as if to regain his attention, and thunder boomed.
In order that this might be facilitated, the whole of the treasure was stored in one ship, the great galleon which had been commanded by a Duke before the pirates captured it.
She put this on a tray and sailed out into the hall and up the stairs, a great smiling mysterious galleon of a woman.
Seventeen Spanish ships were moored in a semicircle in the harbour under cover of the shore batteries, including seven great galleons of the plate fleet.
The two great galleons, strongly built and powerfully armed, fought on for several hours.
Would that we had Marwan Pasha and his great galleon over there in the place of the caravel Krystal.