There could be a great public hue, but minor private sorrow.
Lowering his voice, he contin- ued, "Nor has there been any great hue and cry coming up the road from behind us.
A great hue and cry was raised as the unknown knight made a triumphal circuit of the tilt floor with his lance upraised.
Those shots from the fire escape had been located by people in the house and they were coming with great hue and cry.
He had expected a great hue and cry after Viridovix, but that, too, failed to materialize.
There would be a great hue and cry now, that much was certain.
It outlined another figure, and the deputies were making a great hue and cry.
There is also no great hue and cry among voters over campaign spending.
Roving groups raised a great hue and cry; but always, it seemed, they came upon others of their own kind.
On the surface, there's no great hue and cry out for us.