It was just a small indignity added to the greater indignity of death.
What greater indignity than to walk around for the day stooped over and wincing, only to have people laugh when you tell why.
They made the Hindu women suffer great indignities in the pretext of search.
Or visit other great indignity and pain upon this feeble body.
There is no greater indignity than commercial air travel.
There, he suffers great indignities as the new inmate, or "fish."
But there was a time in France when people like her were submitted to even greater indignity.
"Artemi, my friend of Novokuznetskaya, is doing himself great indignity with this."
There is no greater indignity for a farmer, he added, but that was the only way to keep the stand open.
In addition, dying sometimes holds great indignities and existential suffering.