But the great maw of entertainment has worn us down.
Inexorably, the Alvin was drawn into the great glowing maw.
The great swirling maw would open and offer them entry to the Alpha Quadrant.
It's the great maw of pleasure, desire and fear, opening itself wide for our entertainment like the hell's mouth in a medieval morality play.
Bidderdoo held on still, all the pressure of his great maw crushing the vertebrae and the nerves.
As the great maw opened wider, Paul kicked and struggled in the cloud of choking steam.
Soundlessly the great maw in the belly of the monster closed again.
Hephaestus wasted not a second in snapping its great maw down at her.
Besides, Europe brought this disgrace upon itself by expanding the soccer season to fill the great maw of cable networks around the world.
A great maw of distance opened up between them.