The question struck him with greater misgiving than seemed warranted, and he was surprised to find his eyes moist.
Plato's condemnation of the Sophists is one which many scholars have already taken with great misgivings.
Then, with great misgivings, but seeing no other course of action open to me, I went with my strange guide down to the street.
I have great misgivings about what was done by the previous Labour Government.
And here again, I had great misgivings.
With great misgivings, I made every effort to kick it, glad that I'd worn my tennis shoes on the train.
With great misgivings she asked him if he would accompany her in safety to the camp.
His court looked with very great misgiving upon what seemed a reckless infatuation.
This was something about which many in this House had great misgivings.
With great misgivings I nevertheless chose to vote for it, since the most problematic formulations had been removed.