They are looking out ahead of them with great perplexity on their faces.
Allestry died around 1700, "in great perplexity and trouble by reason of his debts".
From 1946 to 1950 he gave leadership to the denomination's work in China during a time of "great perplexity."
Indeed, Socrates, you do appear to have got into a great perplexity.
Frank's expression and attitude all declared him to be tussling with some great perplexity.
The war committee needed plans for an Italian campaign; the head of the committee was in great perplexity.
His lordship did so; and I remained alone, in great perplexity.
He withdrew to his cave, in great perplexity and distress.
To his great perplexity; however, excellent as the glasses were, he discovered that he could not possibly see through them.
You can help me; for, to tell you the truth, I am in great perplexity.