But manufacturing experts suggest that great perseverance can pay off.
She continued: "He was a person of great perseverance and determination and drive.
Mastery orientation is associated with deeper engagement with the task and greater perseverance in the face of setbacks.
While the majority of her patients are repeat offenders, she continues to do her job with great perseverance and determination.
He shot down both of these planes and, by great perseverance and determination, succeeded in reaching our lines.
"It must have taken great perseverance to go on."
Her grandfather wants her to inherit the business; however, Abby doesn't feel a great perseverance to accept the offer.
So, with great perseverance and untiring industry, he prospered.
Although not a classically brilliant player, he displayed great perseverance and all round effectiveness.
"Even if the story of Moses is complete fiction, it's a study of great perseverance," he said.